Waivers and discounts

Authors from low-income and lower-middle-income countries, as specified by the World Bank, whose proposals received positive review reports and who are unable to pay the full fee will be entitled to discounts. In these cases, the book processing charges (BPCs) will amount to 3,000 GBP per book.

Outstanding authors might also be eligible for discounts of up to 50% off BPCs.

When reviewing such cases, the following criteria are taken into account:

  • Author’s previous publications
  • Authors’ awards
  • Author’s citation index
  • Reviews of the submitted book proposal

In order to apply for an BPC waiver and discounts on these grounds, please contact the editorial team at the point of submission. Requests will not be considered until a manuscript has been submitted, and will be awarded at the discretion of the editor. Contact details for the BPC waivers and discounts is here.