1: Formatting Your Electronic Manuscript

1: Formatting Your Electronic Manuscript

Excessive formatting is a hindrance to the use of your files and can cause delays; please keep the formatting of your electronic files as simple as possible.

Front Matter

Prepare your front matter only after you have finalized the text of your manuscript. As
appropriate, order the front matter elements as follows:

  • Half Title Page: The main title of the book (the subtitle or edition number do not appear on this page).
  • Title Page: The book title and subtitle, if any, along with your name and. Check your name and affiliation carefully.
    Copyright Page: Prepared by Wiley. You do not provide this page with your manuscript.
    Dedication: The dedication, if there is one, should be simple and brief.
    Contents: This element consists of part numbers and titles, chapter numbers and titles, and the major headings of each chapter. Consult with your Subject Editor regarding the number of levels of major headings to be included in the contents. Usually no more than two levels are allowed.
    Contributors: If you are the volume editor for a contributor book, you should prepare an alphabetical list of contributors. Each contributor’s name and affiliation should appear exactly as they do on their chapters. (Note: A mailing list for contributors should also be included with your manuscript, which is not to be confused with the list of contributors. The list of contributors will be typeset and appear in the front matter, while the mailing list will be used emailing or mailing proofs to the contributors.)
    Foreword: A foreword, if appropriate, is written by someone other than the author to
    commend the book to readers. It should not be confused with the Preface.
    Preface: The preface should be written in the first person and briefly discuss the purpose, scope, market, and content of your book. It should explain the main features of your book, what is unique about it, how the book is organized, and how the book can be most effectively used. If your book is a revised edition, you should include the reasons for revising the previous edition and the new features of the revision. The preface from the previous edition can be repeated in the front matter of the revised edition.
    Acknowledgments: Acknowledgments, if appropriate, may appear as a short passage
    recognizing those who aided in the preparation of the work

Body Text and Headings

General Text Guidelines
• Text is flush left, double-spaced.
• Margins are 1 1/4 inches on all sides.
• Nothing typed in all capital letters (with the exception of acronyms).
• Within the text, use boldface, italics, boldface italics, superscripts, and subscripts.
• Use your word processing program to insert Greek letters, mathematical symbols, and the like, which do not appear on the standard keyboard.
• No hard page breaks (we will make sure that pages break properly when we convert your electronic file manuscript into printed pages).
• Type an em dash (—) as two consecutive hyphens with no space either before or after (–). Type an en dash (–), commonly used in ranges of numbers, as a single hyphen with a space before and after ( – ).
• Do not use the header/footer or footnote functions of your word processing program. You may use the automatic page numbering if you wish. Just be sure the page numbers are not implemented through headers or footers.
• Never use the space bar or the Tab key more than once at a time anywhere in the manuscript (e.g., to indent a paragraph or to separate the elements of a table). Use your word processor’s centering functionality to center text when appropriate.
• Use a blank line used between paragraphs and to separate paragraphs from heads and lists

Use the standard formats for the various levels of headings as noted below. Do not use styling (e.g., italic, boldface) to indicate heading levels. Allow long lines to wrap flush left. Heads should be preceded and followed by a blank line. All heads should be typed in uppercase and lowercase letters (i.e., do not type in all caps).


Level 1 Head Centered

Level 2 Head Flush Left

Level 3 Head Indented One Tab from the Left

Level 4 Head. Flush left; paragraph text immediately follows.

Abstracts and keywords

For each chapter, prepare a brief summary of no more than 2–4 sentences, and an accompanying list of 3–5 keywords. This content should be saved in a separate file. The hard copy should be included with the manuscript, but the pages should not be numbered as part of the manuscript. Please note that the abstracts and keywords are for the electronic edition of your book, and will not appear in the print version.

Some Specifics about the Text

Be consistent with how you type these elements in your manuscript to help to eliminate any confusion on the part of the copyeditor or typesetter in interpreting your intent. Some guidelines for the most common elements follow:

Headings: First- and second-level headings should be numbered so that you can provide useful cross references to different sections of your book. Any logical system of numbering is acceptable as long as you are consistent, but Wiley’s preference is chapter/section (for example: 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, etc.). If you have cross references to sections in other chapters of your book, use double numbering (with the chapter number as the first identifier).
Figure Legends and Tables: Each figure and table must be cited in the text so that the typesetter can place them as close as possible to their discussion in the text when making up the pages. For figures and tables from other sources, a complete credit or source line must be included.

  • Tables: Tables should be created with Word’s Insert Table Function. .If the table has already been made, please be sure it has been made with Word’s Table features. Tables crated with spaces or tabs will typically create problems and may be improperly typeset. To assure your table is published as you wish, you must use Word’s table function.

Whether or not a table was made before receiving the template or after, use the Table/AutoFormat/Simple 1. This will give you the heading (top and bottom) and bottom-row rules as exemplified in this document.
Once the table is properly set, apply the Table Heading style to the heading and the Table Body style to the rest of the table. Using Word’s table Heading Rows Repeat option (under Table/Heading Rows Repeat) will repeat the heading if the table runs across multiple pages.
Table footnotes must be styled with Table Footnote style and must not be included using Word’s Insert Footnote feature.

  • Graphics: Our preferred graphics software is Adobe Illustrator. Please refer to the Author’s Guide for Art Preparation for detailed information about preparing graphics files, and contact ISCI’s Production Department if you have specific questions.

The quality of the illustrations in the published volume will directly reflect the quality of the artwork provided. All illustrations must be submitted in a fashion suitable for reproduction without further retouching or redrawing:

A brief explanatory caption must be included in the text for each figure. When cited in the text, figures should be identified by number rather than by “above,” “below,” etc.

Original ink drawings, high-quality (600 dpi) laser printouts, or high-quality ink-jet prints (minimum 720 dpi on high-quality/photo paper) yield the best results and should be submitted.

XEROX COPIES ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE, and Photostats or scanned images frequently give poor results.

If the original art cannot be obtained when reproducing a previously published figure, the appropriate page from the publication or a high-contrast quality photographic print made from the page should be supplied instead. Do not supply xerographic copies or poor scans where lettering and details have dropped out or filled in.

Do not allow “invisible” tape to cover any necessary portion of an illustration; tape can interfere with the satisfactory reproduction of copy, acting as another lens and magnifying the density of the print.

The output of a scanned/digital image is a screened/half-tone print that will not reproduce well because continuous tone prints are screened for final production (if the file version is not included or cannot be used). When a screened print is screened a second time there are often interference problems (moiré patterns). We need either the original or a continuous-tone print made from the original negative.

  • Mathematical Equations: For a thorough discussion of equation typesetting, see the latest edition of Mathematics into Type (American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI). Short equations that are not cross referenced may appear as part of the running text. In this case, material normally set above and below operators (e.g., the indices on a summation or product) should be typed to the right of the operator as subscripts and superscripts since it will be typeset that way to avoid spreading the text lines. Lengthy or complicated equations should always be displayed (typed on a separate line) since it would be difficult for a typesetter to break these equations elegantly if they cannot fit on one text line. Equations that you cross reference should be numbered (in the same format as the figures and tables), and the equation number should be typed flush right in parentheses. Superscripts and subscripts should be typed aligned or staggered as appropriate; at the first occurrence of this notation, write a note in the margin that superscripts and subscripts are to be staggered, when so typed.
    Chemical Material: Symbols for chemical elements should be used in compound formulas, tables, and figures. Isolated elements may be written out in full within the text, but you should not mix symbols with written-out elements in a sentence. Structural formulas should be displayed and numbered to avoid spreading lines of text. Give the full structural formula only once, and use line formulas or the structure number for further discussions of it.
    Quotations: Quotations should always include a source.
    Text Footnotes: Our style for text footnotes is the asterisk/dagger system (the first footnote on a page is cited with an asterisk, the second with a dagger, etc.). If you use these symbols in your technical notation, use a numerical system to avoid confusion.

Back Matter
Back matter is everything following the last page of the text, such as the appendices, the glossary, the references/bibliography, and the index. The final index manuscript cannot be prepared until you have reviewed your page proofs, but all other back matter elements should be submitted with your manuscript.

The References section should contain only the publication data of each paper/article/book, not discussions or descriptions of references.
Name–Date System
The citation in the text consists of the author’s name and the year of publication (a letter is added to the year to identify multiple references by the same author with the same year of publication). For multiple-author references, both names are cited for references with only two authors; references with three or more authors should be cited by the first-named author and “et al.” and year of publication. Authors’ initials should not appear in the text citations of references unless needed to distinguish different authors with the same last name.
Arrangement of References: Single-author entries precede two-author entries beginning with the same name. Two-author entries should be arranged alphabetically by the second author’s name. These are followed by entries beginning with the same name that have three or more authors; these entries should be arranged chronologically (remember that the text citations for these consist of only the first author’s name, et al., and the year of publication). The year of publication should be typed in parentheses immediately following the authors’ names. For example,
Adams AB (1977) . . .
Adams AB, Carter LM (1976) . . .
Adams AB, Thomas ZY (1943) . . .
Adams AB, Zack CD, Knox ZY, Cox M (1950) . . .
Adams AB, Caulfield BM, Moss L (1951) . . .
Numerical System
In the numerical system, references are cited by a number in parentheses, a superscript number, or a number in brackets only. To add or delete references after you have numbered your list, you must renumber all subsequent references and change all your text citations for these references. The references should be listed in the order they are cited in the text, not alphabetically.
The Style of the Reference List
The style of references of a given type should be consistent within your book. If you are following a certain referencing style for a particular discipline, such as that of the Journal of the American Medical Association or the American Chemistry Society, it’s fine to continue to do so as long as you maintain that style consistently throughout your text.

Reference Models
The following styles are meant as suggestions; authors should focus on making references of a given type consistent within a book, rather than trying to make references conform to these models. If you are following a certain referencing style for a particular discipline, such as that of the Journal of the American Medical Association or the American Chemistry Society, continue to do so as long as you maintain that style consistently throughout your text.

Although there is no boldface or italic in these styles, boldface or italic can be retained, if they are used consistently.

The presence of certain elements in these models is not meant to imply that all elements are mandatory for references of a given type. Optional elements have been included to indicate how they would be formatted.
For all references, use whole page ranges (e.g., 225–228), not partial ranges (e.g., 225–8).
The styles below apply to numbered references. If the name–date approach is used, the year should be moved to after the last author’s name and placed in parentheses. For example, the “article in journal” reference below would look like this using the name–date style:

You CH, Lee KY, Chey RY, Menguy R (1980). Electrogastrographic study of patients with unexplained nausea, bloating and vomiting. Gastroenterology 79:311–314.

When using name–date references, if more than one reference would have identical citations, append lowercase letters to the year, e.g., 1999a, 1999b, etc.
In certain disciplines, journal names are always spelled out, while in others specific
abbreviations prevail. Follow the nomenclature established in the literature of your subject area.
Article in journal
1. You CH, Lee KY, Chey RY, Menguy R. Electrogastrographic study of patients with
unexplained nausea, bloating and vomiting. Gastroenterology 1980;79:311–314.
Article in journal with issue number (required if the journal is paginated by issue)
1. Eliel EL. Sterochemistry since LeBel and van’t Hoff: part II. Chemistry 1976;49(3):8–13.
Book with authors
1. Voet D, Voet JG. Biochemistry. New York: Wiley; 1990.
Book with authors, place of publication clarified
1. Mazria E. The passive solar energy book: a complete guide to passive solar home, greenhouse and building design. Emmaus (PA): Rodale; 1979.
Book with editors
1. Gilman AGT, Rall TW, Nies AS, Taylor P, editors. The pharmacological basis of therapeutics. 8th ed. New York: Pergamon; 1990.
Book volume with separate title
1. Cajori F. A history of mathematical notations. Volume 2, Notation mainly in higher
mathematics. Chicago: Open Court; 1929.
Book chapter or other part with different authors
1. Kuret JA, Murad F. Adenohypophyseal hormones and related substances. In: Gilman AG, Rall TW, Nies AS, Taylor P, editors. The pharmacological basis of therapeutics. 8th ed. New York: Pergamon; 1990. p 1334–1360.
Proceedings with title different from conference name
1. Vivian VL, editor. Child abuse and neglect: a medical community response. 1st AMA National Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect; 1984 Mar 30–31; Chicago. Chicago: American Medical Association; 1985.
Paper from a proceedings with separate title
1. Meyer B, Hermanns K. Formaldehyde release from pressed wood products. In: Turoski V, editor. Formaldehyde: analytical chemistry and toxicology. Proceedings of the symposium at the 187th meeting of the American Chemical Society; 1984 Apr 8–13; St Louis, MO. Washington: American Chemical Society; 1985. p 101–116.
Scientific and Technical Reports
US Government report with separate performing organization
1. Cooper LN (Department of Physics, Brown University, Providence, RI). Theoretical and experimental research into biological mechanisms underlying learning and memory. Final progress report 1 Aug 88–31 Jul 89. Washington: Air Force Office of Scientific Research; 1990 Apr 24. Report nr AFOSR-TR–90–0672. Contract nr AFOSR–88–0288;2305;B4. Available from: NTIS, Springfield, VA; AD-A223615.
Dissertations and Theses
1. Ritzmann RE. The snapping mechanism of Alpheid shrimp [dissertation]. Charlottesville (VA): University of Virginia; 1974. Available from: University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI; AAD74–23.
With inventors
1. Harred JF, Knight AR, McIntyre JS, inventors; Dow Chemical Company, assignee.
Epoxidation process. US patent 3,654,317. 1972 Apr 4.
Citation by patent number (if more detailed information is not available)
1. US patent 3,654,317. 1972 Apr 4.
Electronic Documents
Cited by URL
1. Pedersen J, Wallace M. 1999. Wiley Journals DTD: Guidelines for reference tagging. Available at http://jws-edcd.wiley.com:8255/refguide.html. Accessed 2002 Feb 4.
Cited by DOI
1. Owen, MJ. Release agents. In: Kirk-Othmer encyclopedia of chemical technology. Article online posting date: November 16, 2001. DOI:
2. Oussalah M. Some notes on fusion of uncertain information. International Journal of Intelligent Systems 1984;19(6). Published online: April 23, 2004. DOI: 10.1002/int.20001.
1. ANSI X3.135-1986. Information technology—Database languages—Structured query language (SQL). New York: American National Standards Institute; 1986.
Personal Communications
1. Humphreys L, IBM Corp., New York. Personal communication. June 24, 1990.